
2day gt maths exam..
thankz god>>
it was easy!!
cant wait for next Thursday >>>!!!

2day's exam

2day we gt KH,BM,SEJARAH
sejarah damn>>>
teacher say chapter6,7,8 important>>
so i read this three more>>
who knoes ??
cum out so little onli>>


2day on the way to KL>>
at the bukit jalil highway>>

suddenly >>
after a second>>
my dad's car's front glass crack ??
this is the pictures$$ again

you smile at me>>

2day when i was walking wif her>>
i saw you>>
smiling wif me>>
wif a nice smile>>


this few days many holidays >>
so boring..
although exam is cuming but i never study>>
my mind is telling me not to study!!
so fan..


PMR week.>>
Tuesday my class need to go skool
went sunway again>< XD
me , wai hin , yushi...
went ice skating...
skip skol tat day...
but we very early cum back >>>
dun knoe why...
too boring di..
three person onli...
but ice-skate very fun..>>.><